This fourth book from the Pioneer Girl Project concentrates on the writing and editing of Wilder’s first novel, Little House in the Big Woods (1932). South Dakota Historical Society...
Full-Color Collector's Editions, boxed set of the first 5 books- Little House in the Big Woods, Farmer Boy, Little House on the Prairie, and On the Banks of Plum Creek, and By the Shores of Silver Lake.
Celebrate the season with holiday tales from the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the beloved Little House series. Featuring Garth Williams’ classic artwork in vibrant full color.
This award-winning cookbook features more than 100 of the recipes that Laura Ingalls Wilder chronicles in her classic Little House books. By Barbara Walker, illustrated by Garth...
For generations, the works of Laura Ingalls Wilder have defined the American frontier and the pioneer experience for readers. This volume presents three typescripts of Wilder's original Pioneer Girl manuscript in an...
by Nancy Tystad Koupal. Published by South Dakota Historical Society Press; annotated edition edition (May 1, 2017) Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867 1957) finished her autobiography, Pioneer Girl, in 1930 when she was...
Quilt patterns inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little Hiuse series. This book is a collection of blocks, which the author has joined into a sampler quilt. It includes blocks that are actually mentioned in the series as...
This recently published auto biography by Laura Ingalls Wilder reveals the true stories of her pioneering life. Editor, Pamela Smith Hill, offers new insights into Wilder's life and times and explores the history of...
Paperback. By Barbara M. Walker. Illustrated by Garth Williams. Frontier Foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Classic Stories...
Paperback. By Carolyn Strom Collins. Illustrated by Mary Collier. Step-by-step instructions for 18 crafts taken straight from the pages of Laura's Little House books.
Six full-color paper dolls made of durable and sturdy card stock (Laura, Mary, Ma, Pa, Baby Carrie, and Jack the bulldog); several easy-to-detach and authentic outfits for each character; two full-color pull-out scenes (a...
Paperback. By Cynthia Rylant. Based on some notes left by Laura Ingalls Wilder and a general knowledge about her life and the times. This book is not officially part of the Little House series, but describes the years...
by Heather Williams This story follows the Wilder family’s move from Malone, New York, to Spring Valley, Minnesota. Williams remains true to Almanzo’s character and uses much fact, along with quotes...
An actual day to day account of an 1890 sailing trip to Florida by Captain Peter Ingalls, Laura’s cousin, and a crew of her relatives. The Log can be considered a sequel to Laura’s last book, The First Four...
Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote Farmer Boy, the story of her husband, Almanzo Wilder, growing up on a farm in Burke, NY. Since that time readers have wanted to know more about Almanzo and his family. According to the author, this...
Softcover, easy to read, ages 3-8
Black & white edition
The story of Laura’s early years in the 1870s living in the little house in the big woods of Wisconsin. Color paperback...
Hard cover edition
Black & White