12 oz. ceramic mug features the Wilder Homestead's logo.
Now available to purchase! This original signed watercolor by Jody Wheeler is one of her many works illustrating the “My First Little House Books” series, which were adapted from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s...
Woodcut ornament depicts the reconstructed barns at the Wilder Farm. 4" diameter.
Artist friends created this image of the Wilder barns year ago as a woodcut ornament. We've now added it to a new ceramic mug! 110z
Artists friends created this image for us long ago as a woodcut ornament. We've added it to a mug! 11 oz.
Snowy winter scene at the farm by artist and longtime Wilder Farm volunteer and supporter, Sandra Young. 8.5 x 11.
Punched tin. 8". Candle not included.
This set of three cards features the art of local artist Charles Atwood King: Lucy in the Fields with Saplings, Pumpkin Harvest, and Dinner Break. A wonderful gift or momento from the Wilder Farm. 3 envelopes are included...
Our own etched glass mason jar mug with a simple apple logo for the Wilder orchard. Perfect for hot or cold drinks! Or flowers, pencils, loose change... however you'd like to use it.16oz to hold a generous hot apple cider...
Private label maple syrup! We have bottled this grade A product, locally produced by our neighbors at Marsha's Maple House!. 8oz bottle, $13...
8 oz. ceramic mug features a beautiful winter holiday scene by a local artist - visitors arriving at the Wilder Farm for Christmas dinner!
8 oz. ceramic mug.Full color, original artwork.
Dean Butler portrayed Almanzo Wilder on the Little House on the Prairie television series from 1979 to 1983. After more than twenty-five years his on-going connection to the series and the Laura Ingalls Wilder community...